April 02, 2022
The residents of Page Boulevard in Springfield, Massachusetts have always been wary of their neighbor at number 1333- a 40 year old man named Stewart R. Weldon Jr.
When interviewed by the media, those in the local community had only negative words to describe the man, such as “creepy” and “unnerving”. One neighbor described how Weldon would walk around the local area wearing a dark colored hoody with the drawstrings pulled so tight that they could barely see any of his facial features until they got up close. The distrust the community had towards the 40 year old was not entirely unwarranted, as the world would later come to discover.
On the 27th of May, 2018, Stewart Weldon was signaled to pull over by police who wanted to question him about a broken taillight. Weldon refused to do so and instead lead officers on a chase through the streets before eventually crashing into one of their cruisers.
Police quickly discovered a woman, who although distressed and clearly injured, was still alive and claimed that she was being held against her will.
She had bruising all over her body, various healed and open wounds, injuries to her jaw, a severe infection from a lesion on one of her legs and multiple stab wounds to her abdomen. A later medical examination would reveal that she had likely been beaten with a blunt weapon. The woman claimed that Weldon had beaten her with a hammer.
The victim is thought to have been held captive for over a month. She thanked the officers profusely for rescuing her from being murdered; “You saved my life!” she told them, “He was going to kill me!”
This online article in the Daily Mail states that the woman is 25 years old; however she has not yet been officially identified.
According to this article in the Independent Weldon was arrested on charges of kidnapping, possession of a dangerous weapon and intent to commit a crime. Three days later investigators searched Weldon’s home where they made a shocking discovery. The remains of three individuals were found in and around the residence. The case is being investigated as a potential homicide, as the three bodies are suspected to be victims of murder. The bodies will undergo postmortem examination to determine cause of death and identity.
According to Mass live reports, the bodies were found in the basement and garage and although only three have been confirmed, the backyard is currently being excavated under the suspicion that more remains may be discovered.
In a statement given to the local media, Hampden County District Attorney, Anthony Gulluni, stated that the investigation was in its early stages and that although they can confirm that they have so far found three bodies at the Weldon house, they cannot confirm that they are dealing with a serial killer at this stage. Weldon’s own mother, who is the owner of the house on Page Blvd is said to be the one who made the call to police to report a “foul odor”. This has left many people online wondering if she had any idea about what was going on at the house.
One of Weldon’s neighbors told the Boston Globe that Weldon appeared to be living with a young woman who he never talked to, and only saw when she was darting from the house to a vehicle. He stated that a teenage boy was also staying at the residence.
At his court hearing on the 29th of May, Weldon pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Steward Weldon Jr. is originally from Jamaica, Queens, New York and has previous convictions and a long criminal history dating back decades, with crimes being committed across various states in the U.S. In Springfield he committed assault with a weapon in the mid 2000’s, for which he did a time behind bars and was released in 2008. He landed himself back in prison in 2010 when he broke into a civilian’s home at night carrying a weapon with the purpose of committing a felony but was released in 2012. Although he was supposed to be wearing an ankle monitor, he had managed to cut it off. He also ignored the ban on driving.
The rest of the charges and arrests are traffic, weapon and assault related, including resisting arrest and battery against an officer. This report states that he even once threatened to shoot the patrons of a bar he was at.
NBC New York has dug even deeper into his past and discovered that this is not the first time Weldon has held a woman against her will and sexually assaulted her. Apparently when he was a teenager he was arrested for sexual assault and keeping a teenage girl captive in his apartment.
With Weldon’s extensive rap sheet, Springfield residents are beginning to question why he was able to walk free in their neighborhood. Those who have family members who have recently went missing are understandably concerned that the three bodies found at 1333 Page, Blvd could belong to their missing loved ones.
The Daily mail recently interviewed the auntie the alleged serial killer, who provided more information about Weldon, informing reporters that he has a baby girl who lives with him and a son back in New York.
Various reports indicate that a child has been taken from the property while the investigation continues and although the child has not officially been identified, it is a possibility that it could be Weldon’s 6 month old daughter.
Weldon’s aunt, Hannah Weldon, 63, claims that Stewart is mentally ill and has refused to take his medication for years. She neglected to go into detail about Stewart’s mental illness and claims that she doesn’t know his diagnosis. She stated that he was officially unemployed but dealt drugs.
Weldon has yet to be officially charged in connection with the bodies found at his home. The investigation continues.
He is currently being held on $1M dollar bail.
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