Missing Kansas Teenager Found Dead

April 02, 2022

Seventeen year old Jasmine Mills went missing on the 27th of June after setting off alone to do an odd job for an older male acquaintance. She had been instructed to wake the man at 4AM and help him with various chores, which included cleaning and taking out trash. Jasmine’s mother described her as a sweet and caring girl, carefree and easy going. She was the eldest of four siblings, trusted people easily and saw the best in others. She liked planes and had aspirations of being a pilot one day, but that dream would be taken from her all too soon.

“Jasmine had known him forever” the teenager’s mother later told journalists. “She looked up to him as a father figure or a grandfather figure”. Although an unconventional friendship, her mother said she trusted her daughter’s judgment.

Like many teenagers, Jasmine and her younger sister often did odd jobs for cash and they had been helping out the unidentified man the previous day by cleaning the cab of his Semi-trailer, which he drove for a living. The man had parked the vehicle behind a grocery store in the girl’s hometown of Olathe. He later called Jasmine and told her to come back alone and informed her that she had neglected to fully complete one of the jobs and needed her to do so.
In direct contradiction to her mother’s statement Jasmine’s younger sister went on to describe to KCTV how Jasmine had “never felt comfortable” in the older man’s presence and that she had warned her older sister never to go there alone. “We’d known him for around two years” she told reporters. At this point it has not been revealed how the young girls actually met the older man.
Jasmine Mills did not return home that night. Her mother didn’t notice until the following Friday morning and by that time phone calls to the seventeen year old's cell phone were ringing out. Usually Jasmine stayed in touch via text messages confirming she was okay, but she had totally went off the grid. Her mother quickly reported her missing and the search began.
On June 29th at around 9AM, local police were reported to be investigating a body found around 1100, South 12th. It was later confirmed that the body of Jasmine Mills had been found in an industrial park 20 miles from her home. Later details revealed that her body was found in a semi-truck parked in or nearby a scrap yard near the Kansas River in Olathe. It is so far unclear if the body was found in the back or the cab.
There are various automotive businesses and scrap yards both sides of the Kansas River, however the place in question, if lined up with descriptions from the media, seems to be either “Pick-n-Pull Cash for Junk Cars”, “Allied U-Pick-It” or “All City Tow Service” just off Pawnee Ave. Although the details are not clear, it is implied that Mill’s body was found in one of the several hundred semi-trucks neatly parked in a grid-like formation within a fenced area or nearby. The vehicle in question was found to belong to the older male acquaintance that she had done some work for a couple of days earlier. The man’s friend had reported the findings to the police.
Police discovered that during the two days Mills had been missing, the man had actually driven the truck around with her body inside while on the job.The unidentified male had driven 600 miles to Denver where he stayed overnight with the body in the truck before returning to Kansas with the teenagers remains still in tow. It’s unclear if he knew Mills body was in the truck or not. The man has, so far, not been formally charged with any crime.
A KMBC-TV article posted several days ago revealed that a preliminary post-mortem examination was performed on Jasmine Mill's body but failed to determine the cause of death. Her body showed no signs of trauma or injury indicative of foul play; however police are treating her death as suspicious and are currently waiting on the results of a toxicology report.
Jasmines younger sister made a status update to her social media profile after the discovery.
Rest in Paradise to the best big sister I could have ever asked for” she wrote. “You were amazing and i don’t know what I'm going to do without you.. I didn’t get to say good bye.. Or i love you... My last words to you were "I'll see you tomorrow" I wish I would have known you were leaving ... I would have gone with you... I don’t know who would have hurt you... No one could have had a reason you were amazing... I don’t know what I’m going to do without you...
Those who wish to donate to a campaign to help with funeral costs can do so here [X]
Any tips or information pertaining to the case can be submitted at: 816-474-TIPS
Sources: [X][X][X][X][X]
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